Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet

Ready for 100(RF 100) Activist Toolkit Feedback Form

Have Feedback Regarding the RF100 Activist Toolkit?

Your feedback is welcome and appreciated! 

We have launched this Ready For 100 (RF100) Activist Toolkit with the goal of sharing important campaign resources on organizing, online organizing, communications, city clean energy commitments, implementation, policy and compliance in a concise and easy-to-follow format. It’s our hope that these resources will help you in launching, running, and ultimately winning your campaigns to transition your communities to 100% clean, renewable energy for all — while centering our values of equity, justice, and inclusion throughout your efforts.

Feedback Form RF100

This online Toolkit is our first attempt to provide a full step-by-step guide to running a successful RF100 campaign — and we know that the current version might have mistakes and typos, missing information, and other gaps. We hope to keep improving the Toolkit as our movement continues to grow and evolve over time. 

That’s where you come in! We need activists and leaders like you to help make this resource the best it can be so that everyone has the opportunity to move their communities to 100% clean, renewable energy.

Please fill out the form below if you:

  • Have noticed a spelling error, grammatical mistake, typo, technical bug, broken link, etc. that needs fixing

  • Have general (positive or negative) feedback, questions, and/or concerns about the Toolkit that you would like to share with us

  • Love editing and writing — and would like to volunteer to help keep our Toolkit content fresh and robust 

If you have a specific request or question for any of our national staff or Capacity Teams (i.e. Organizing, Online Organizing, Communications, Policy, Compliance, etc.), please visit our Contact Us page for more.

Thanks again for your feedback!