Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet

Ready For 100 (RF100) Activist Toolkit Content Submission Form

Have a Suggestion for Something We Should Add to the RF100 Activist Toolkit?

Your input and suggestions are welcome and appreciated! 

Content Submission form

This online Toolkit is our first attempt to provide a step-by-step guide for building the skills needed to run a successful Ready For 100 (RF100) campaign. We hope to add new learnings as our campaign and movement continues to grow and evolve over time. 

That’s where you come in! We need activists and leaders like you to help make this resource the best it can be so that everyone has the opportunity to move their communities to 100% clean, renewable energy.

Do you have suggestions for tips or resources we could add to this Toolkit to make it a better resource for activists running their own local RF100 campaigns? If so, please fill out the form below!

Thanks again for your input!